专为那些想看直男淫荡的人创建的新标签 [Onataring EX] CASE:02
A new label created just for those who want to see straight men's lasciviousness [Onataring EX] CASE:02
「普段のオナニーをお金に変えてみませんか?」そんな甘い誘いにイケメン達がこぞって順番待ちの【オナタリングEX】 第2作目は、大学のミスコンでも常連で現役読者モデルのユウ君を普段のオナニーを見せてください!という企画にご招待♪
你为什么不把你的日常手淫变成钱呢? 在《Onataring EX》的第二部影片中,大学里的一名普通参赛者和目前的读者模特Yu被邀请向我们展示他平时的自慰行为。
Would you like to turn your regular masturbation into money? In the second installment of Onataring EX, Yu, an active reader model who is a regular in college contests, is invited to show us her usual masturbation routine.
約束の日にスタイル抜群イケメンオーラ満点で秘密部屋に登場!! 一応ボディチェックを、と徐々に脱がせていくと、これがまた美ボディ!! 長い手足にアイドルのような可愛いルックスに不釣り合いなジャンプスポーツで鍛えられたしっかりした下半身、適度に締まったカラダは綺麗な肌でなんとも艶めかしい...。
约定的那天,她带着她的伟大风格和英俊的光环出现在密室里。 她有一个美丽的身体,她逐渐脱下衣服,检查自己的身体。她修长的胳膊和腿,像偶像一样可爱的长相,还有跳跃运动练就的结实的下半身,适度的紧身,美丽的皮肤,都很有吸引力。
On the appointed day, he appeared in the secret room with a great style and handsome aura. When I took her body off gradually to check her body, I found that she had a beautiful body. Her long arms and legs, cute looks like an idol, and a firm lower body trained by jumping sports are disproportionate to her body, and her moderately tight body has beautiful skin.
早速数枚DVDを渡し、いつものオナニーをお願いしてスタッフは退室。エロDVDを物色しながらパンツ越しにモミモミしてると...なんと別階でスタンバイしていた女の子が秘密部屋にいきなり突入!! オナニーだけの打ち合わせだったので一瞬固まるユウ君^^そうなんです!今日は「いきなり女の子に抜かれちゃう!」というドッキリ企画♪
我们给了她几张DVD,让她像往常一样自慰,然后工作人员离开了房间。 在此期间,在另一楼层待命的一个女孩突然进入密室。克洛伊愣了一会儿,因为这只是一次手淫的会议。 这就对了。 今天的惊喜是被一个女孩突然拉出来。 这是一个惊喜项目。
I gave her a few DVDs, asked her to masturbate as usual, and the staff left the room. The staff left the room. While he was fondling through his pants, a girl who was standing by on the other floor suddenly entered his secret room. Chloe froze for a moment because the meeting was only about masturbation. That's right. It was a surprise project where he was suddenly pulled out by a girl. This was a surprise project.
DVDの代わりに生の女の子のオナニーを見せつけオカズにしてもらうというノンケ男子には神企画^^ 早速S女子レイカちゃん、股を開きオナ姿を披露。それを見ながらギンギンのユウ君^^ ってか、デカっ!!太っ!!そして上反りズル剥けの超美チン!! レイカちゃんを見ながらシコシコしてるとS女子レイカちゃんがいやらしくお手伝い♪
与其说是DVD,不如说是给你看一个活生生的女孩在自慰,并要求你把它当作手淫。 S女郎丽华立即打开双腿,展示她的自慰。 她的嘴里有一个大鸡巴。 它是巨大的! 它是如此的厚实! 而且她有一个漂亮的鸡巴! 当他完成后,S女郎丽华帮助他拿着他的阴茎。
This is a divine project for straight boys, where instead of a DVD, they get to see a live girl masturbate and use it as a wank. Immediately, S-girl Reika opens her legs and shows off her masturbation. Chloe is very excited to see it. It's huge! It's so thick! It's so thick! As he watches her, S-girl Reika helps him with his cock.
興奮のあまりパンパンにカリを張らせ身悶えるユウ君。手を縛られ亀頭をグリグリ、四つ這いにさせられまだ誰にも触らせていないという綺麗なアナルをあらわに、いじられヒクつかせるミスターキャンパス 笑
他是如此兴奋,以至于痛苦地扭动着身体。 校园先生四肢着地,双手被绑,龟头被抓,他那从未有人碰过的美丽的肛门被暴露出来,并在抽搐。
Mr. Yu is writhing in agony, his anus stretched to the hilt with excitement. Mr. Campus's hands are tied, his glans is gripped, and he is made to crawl on all fours, revealing his beautiful anus that no one has touched yet.
敏感な美チンをネットリ、そして激しく弄ばれ美顔を歪めながらもはや過呼吸状態♪ 最初は恥ずかしそうに感じていたユウ君も途中から全身ガクガク、、そして最後は我慢の限界で思いっきり濃く匂い立つ濃厚精子を大量発射!!
当她敏感的阴茎被用力整齐地玩弄时,她呼吸急促,美丽的脸庞被扭曲了。 起初克洛伊很尴尬,但到了一半时,她全身都在发抖。 最后,在一天结束的时候,他再也受不了了,他把他浓稠的、有气味的精子射得到处都是。
He was in a state of hyperventilation as his sensitive cock was netted and played with violently, distorting his beautiful face. At first, Chloe was embarrassed, but halfway through, she started to shake and shake. And finally, at the limit of his endurance, he shoots out a huge load of thick, smelly sperm.
他来了之后,余秋雨的眼睛睁得大大的,整个人都迷失在快感中。 当我问他感觉如何时,他说:"这很了不起。 他似乎对此很满意。
After he came, Chloe's eyes went wide and her whole body was lost in the pleasure. When I asked him what he thought of it, he said, "It was crazy, my mind went blank. He seemed to be pleased with the experience.
学校ではモテモテのイケメン男子の痴態観察大成功!! これからも色々お願いしちゃおーっと^^♪
我们成功地观察到一个在学校非常受欢迎的英俊男孩的淫荡行为。 让我们向他索取更多
I was very successful in observing the lascivious behavior of a handsome boy who is very popular at school. Let's ask him for more!
The main model also wears a mask in the film.